Read the full interview in Authority Magazine
In this Authority Magazine interview, i3 CEO Kevin Heaton discusses the “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became the CEO,” including his thoughts on:
“The Loud Loneliness of Leadership: Being a CEO comes with attention: As a CEO there is always a good deal of activity around you; your board, advisors, your team, clients, vendors, community…it is a long, vocal and active list. But after all is said and done — after all information has been gathered and evaluated — CEOs are faced with looking in the mirror and deciding. In the “loudness” of all those around you, a leader must be able to make a decision that can leave them literally and figuratively alone. I use the phrase “loud loneliness” to describe it. The lesson is not if the decision is popular or unpopular, but whether and when it will be understood and knowing that it may never be understood. A leader has to see the future; what are the results for the future, not necessarily what is desired today and lead people to trust in the decision made. That can be a loud and lonely place.” Read the full article